While Dr. Karowe was giving his lecture on climate change, I found a lot of the information to be quite interesting and I learned a lot about global warming that I didn't know before. This lecture really opened up my eyes on how and why we need to do something to make a change in the world before its too late. Like Dr. Karowe mentioned in his lecture, depending on the choices we make, the Earth is said to be 2-5 degrees Celsius warmer by 2100 which has not happened in the 55 million years that the Earth has been around and because of this, nobody knows exactly what the Earth will be like. This fact scares me and it just makes me wonder why more people don't get on board with attempting to make a difference. If the 450+ million people that depend on agriculture for their source of food are not able to farm because the Earth is too hot, then that would cause a mass amounts amounts of death among people all around the world.
I know that when I get enough money to buy a house and car that I will be doing my part to conserve the environment and to help limit carbon emissions. I will be buying a fuel efficient car, weatherize my house, and come election time, I will be voting for the candidate that advocates for environmental rights and will make better climate choices.
For my blog post, I decided to find a clip on food satire. I ended up choosing a clip from the show, The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. During this clip, Stephen Colbert brings up the topic on how wheat is said to just as addictive as crack. Colbert proceeds to poke fun at this news cast and introduces a new mascot to help inform children of the dangers of eating wheat, McGnaw the gluten-free Beaver. The two then proceed to act like wheat is an actual drug and talk about what a child should do if they are offered wheat and other things along that line.
I found that this clip was pretty funny. Its clear that Colbert is making fun of those news casters and how they feel that eating wheat is just as addictive as drugs like crack cocaine. When Colbert names off street names for different types of bread it is a clear shot at at how he feels that these people that think that wheat is addictive are just idiotic and shouldn't be taken seriously.