While I was reading the next 50 pages of Hemingway's, A Moveable Feast, I found it to be quite odd. This is because Ernest Hemingway describes some of the weird things he does that allows him to work better and write better. One of these things includes him not eating. However, he has another reason for not eating; he isn't eating so that his wife has enough to eat. I found this to be very noble. Hemingway is willing to give up his own food so that his wife has enough. That is the definition of a true man and a great husband.
Another thing that I found to be interesting was when another author was introduced. This author is Ford Madox Ford. I feel as if though Ford is quite weird. He keeps asking Hemingway if he saw him cut some other gentleman that walked into the same cafe as them. While doing this he seems to be happy.
This book is pretty interesting and I can't wait to see what happens next.
For my novel, I am reading Ernest Hemingway's, A Moveable Feast.This book is a memoir about Ernest Hemingway and about his time he spent living in Paris, France during the 1920's. He is there with his wife and son and many other authors are included in this book.
So far, this book is just okay. I found it pretty hard to follow and if I was actually able to do so I feel like I would like it a lot more. This is my first time reading Hemingway so I didn't really know what to expect. I've always been told that he was one of the best and now I get to see that for my self.
I noticed quickly that Hemingway is very descriptive. The way that he describes the places where he is at is quite remarkable. He is very descriptive and its almost like you are right there beside him. The way he describes the sights and smells of this cafe in Paris it great. He also talks about how the weather in Paris during this time as quite similar to the weather in Michigan; cold and windy. I thought it was pretty cool that there was a connection with our state while reading the first 50 pages of the book. I also found it interesting that, although he is an American writer, he still has a lot of European influences in his writing. For example, spelling color the english way, c-o-l o-u-r or spelling oder, o-d-o-u-r.
I can't wait to continue reading this book. I hope that things clear up a little and that I will be able to understand it a little better but, I have high hopes and hopefully I will want to read more by Hemingway when I'm finished reading this novel.
Wow. That was my reaction as I finished reading the last sentence of this book. It was just great! The way that Katniss and Peeta found a way to beat the system was amazing. The fact that they both were able to survive was a miracle, however Katniss did get progressively stronger and stronger as the game went on and Peeta did know how to play the game through others (just as we talked about during class on monday). H basically conned them. Also, they were able to play up the romance between both of them in order to get sponsors and be able to receive the items that they need. I found this to be very clever. They were able to play the game by touching the emotion of others, or known as utilizing pathos. Genius. After doing this the entire time before the game, being able to take advantage of this romantic view that people see with both Katniss and Peeta really helped them and without it, who knows, perhaps they would have never even won.
The way that Katniss and Peeta were able to end the game and be able to both make it out alive was extraordinary! After being told that the rules were changed back and that only one could win, both agree that if both of them cannot win, then there will be no winner at all. This prompts the games to end and both come out as victors. I found that to be quite empowering and clever. They both came to the conclusion that they would rather die than give them only one sole winner. This again plays off of their romance. Couldn't have asked for a better ending and a better way to stick it to the Gamemakers.
I heavily enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read the remaining ones!