Sunday, February 16, 2014

And the Earth Did not Devour Him & Cajas de Carton

When I was finished reading both And the Earth Did not Devour Him and Cajas de Carton I couldn't help but notice some similarities. Both of the families in these stories are pretty much going through the same thing. Both are poverty stricken families that work extremely hard in order to try to provide a better life for their children. Also, the whole family works; even the littlest ones. Another thing that I have noticed is the amount of hard work that these migrant workers have. They work long hours, in the extreme heat, everyday of the week. Not
many Americans can say that they do that or have the same amount of work ethic. 

 To connect these stories to my own life, during the summer I work with a man who is from Mexico and him and his family did the same thing that these families are doing. He would tell me stories of his childhood of his family all working on a farm doing a lot of the similar jobs. He said of how they would travel a lot looking for work. Anything they could get really and for however long they could get it. He told me that they would work from sun up to sun doCajas de Carton where Francisco was able to go to school. Unfortunately, he didn't have that privilege. He has since gotten his GED and is one of the nicest and most hard working persons I've ever met.    

1 comment:

  1. That is extremely cool who you know a man who broke the mold and made a better life for himself. You should do another blog post telling everything you know about his story.

    (And no, Blogger, I am NOT a robot!)
